A Quiet Contagion

Jane Jesmond

Hörbuch Romane Krimis

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Beschreibung zu „A Quiet Contagion“

1957. A catastrophe occurs at the pharmaceutical lab in Coventry where 16-year-old Wilf is working for the summer. A catastrophe that needs to be covered up at all costs. 2017. Phiney is shocked by the death of her grandfather, Wilf, who has jumped from a railway bridge at a Coventry station. Journalist Mat Torrington is the only witness. Left in utter disbelief, with a swarm of unanswered questions, Phiney, Mat and Wilf's wife, Dora, begin their own enquiries into Wilf's death. It is soon clear that these two events, 60 years apart, are connected - and that Wilf is not the only casualty. But what is the link? And can they find out before any more lives are lost?

Gelesen von:

Simon Mattacks Rose Robinson


Isis Audio




10 Std. 43 Min.





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