Ghost of a Flea

James Sallis


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Beschreibung zu „Ghost of a Flea“

In his old house in uptown New Orleans, Lew Griffin is alone again...or almost. He and Deborah are drifting apart. His son David has disappeared again, leaving behind a note that sounds final. Heading homeward from his retirement party, his friend, Don Walsh has been shot while interrupting a robbery. Worst of all, Lew himself is directionless, no longer teaching, with little to fill his days. He hasn't written anything in years. Even the attempt to discover the source of threatening letters sent to a friend leaves him feeling rootless and lost.
And now Lew Griffin stands alone in a dark room, looking out. Behind him on the bed is a body. Wind pecks at the window. Traffic sounds drift aimlessly in. He thinks if he doesn't speak, doesn't think about what happened, somehow things will be alright again. He thinks about his own life, about the other's, about how the two of them came to be here...
In a series as much about identity as it is about crime, Sallis has held a mirror up to society and culture, while at the same time setting Lew Griffin the task of discovering who he is. As the detective stands in that dark room, the answers begin to come clear and the highly acclaimed series builds to a brilliantly constructed climax that will resonate in readers' minds long after the story is finished.

Über James Sallis

James Sallis wurde 1944 in Arkansas geboren und verbrachte dort seine Kindheit. Er studierte Literaturwissenschaft in New Orleans und arbeitete anschließend als Lektor und Drehbuchautor. Er übersetzte Raymond Queneau und Puschkin ins Englische und veröffentlichte eine Biografie von Chester Himes. Bekannt wurde er mit seiner Romanreihe um den schwarzen Privatdetektiv Lew Griffin. Seine Kriminalromane wurden mehrfach für Literaturpreise nominiert, u.a. für den Edgar, den Shamus und den Gold Dagger Award. 2008 wurde James Sallis mit dem Deutschen Krimipreis ausgezeichnet. Er lebt in Phoenix, Arizona.


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