Cypress Grove

James Sallis


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Beschreibung zu „Cypress Grove“

James Sallis is one of our great stylists and storytellers, whose deep interest in human nature is expressed in the powerful stories of men too often at odds with themselves as well as with the world around them.
Where Turner moved is one of America's lost places, halfway between Memphis and forever. A place where you can bury the past and escape the pain of human contact, where you are left alone unless you want company, where conversation happens only when there's something to say, where you can sit and watch an owl fly silently across the face of the moon. Where Turner hoped to forget that he was a cop, a psychotherapist, and an ex-con.
There was no major crime to speak of until Sheriff Lonnie Bates arrived on Turner's porch with a bottle of bourbon and a problem: A drifter's body has been found brutally and ritualistically murdered, and Bates needs Turner's help. Thrust back into the middle of what he left behind, Turner slowly becomes reacquainted not only with the darkness he had fled, but with the unsuspected kindness of others.
Cypress Grove is lyrical, moving, and filled with the sense of place and character that only our finest writers can achieve. It is proof positive that the acclaim James Sallis has enjoyed for years is richly deserved.

Über James Sallis

James Sallis wurde 1944 in Arkansas geboren und verbrachte dort seine Kindheit. Er studierte Literaturwissenschaft in New Orleans und arbeitete anschließend als Lektor und Drehbuchautor. Er übersetzte Raymond Queneau und Puschkin ins Englische und veröffentlichte eine Biografie von Chester Himes. Bekannt wurde er mit seiner Romanreihe um den schwarzen Privatdetektiv Lew Griffin. Seine Kriminalromane wurden mehrfach für Literaturpreise nominiert, u.a. für den Edgar, den Shamus und den Gold Dagger Award. 2008 wurde James Sallis mit dem Deutschen Krimipreis ausgezeichnet. Er lebt in Phoenix, Arizona.


No Exit Press




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