The History of Richard the First

Jacob Abbott

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Beschreibung zu „The History of Richard the First“

Jacob Abbott's 'The History of Richard the First' is a meticulously researched and detailed account of the life and reign of King Richard I of England. Written in a straightforward and easily accessible style, Abbott provides a comprehensive look at Richard's military campaigns, political strategies, and personal life, placing them within the larger historical context of the Middle Ages. This book serves as a valuable resource for those interested in medieval history and the Plantagenet dynasty. Abbott's narrative style keeps the reader engaged and eager to learn more about this enigmatic ruler. The book also includes detailed maps and illustrations to further enhance the reader's understanding of the time period. Jacob Abbott, a prolific author of historical biographies, brings his expertise and passion for history to this work, shedding light on the complexities of Richard the Lionheart's rule and legacy. Recommended for history enthusiasts and students alike, 'The History of Richard the First' offers a compelling and insightful look into one of England's most famous monarchs.


Good Press




ca. 183





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