The Orange-Yellow Diamond

J. S. Fletcher

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Beschreibung zu „The Orange-Yellow Diamond“

In 'The Orange-Yellow Diamond' by J. S. Fletcher, readers are taken on a thrilling journey through the world of mystery and crime. Set in early 20th century England, the novel follows the clever detective, Ronald Camberwell, as he tries to solve the case of a stolen diamond with the help of his trusty sidekick. Fletcher's writing style is reminiscent of classic detective fiction, with intricate plot twists and well-developed characters that keep readers engaged till the very end. The narrative is filled with suspense and intrigue, making it a compelling read for fans of the genre. As a pioneer in British detective fiction, Fletcher's work in 'The Orange-Yellow Diamond' paved the way for future mystery writers to come. With his keen eye for detail and knack for crafting captivating stories, Fletcher delivers a masterpiece that is sure to captivate readers seeking a thrilling adventure in the realm of crime fiction. I highly recommend 'The Orange-Yellow Diamond' to anyone looking for a classic mystery novel that stands the test of time.


Good Press




ca. 220





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