H. G. Wells

J. D. Beresford

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Beschreibung zu „H. G. Wells“

J. D. Beresford's 'H. G. Wells' explores the life and literary works of the esteemed author H. G. Wells, a pioneer of the science fiction genre. Beresford delves into Wells' influential novels, such as 'The Time Machine' and 'The War of the Worlds,' analyzing the societal and scientific themes present in his writing. Beresford's scholarly approach provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of Wells' literary style, characterized by its blend of speculative fiction and social commentary within the context of late 19th and early 20th-century literature. Furthermore, Beresford examines Wells' impact on the development of science fiction as a genre, highlighting his contributions to shaping the genre's conventions and thematic concerns. The book serves as an insightful exploration of Wells' enduring significance in the literary world, making it a must-read for fans of science fiction and literary history alike.


Good Press




ca. 51





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