The Napuk Party (Manifesto, Program, Codex — In English)

Ivancho Jotata

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Beschreibung zu „The Napuk Party (Manifesto, Program, Codex — In English)“

Common Contents | I. MANIFESTO | [ Here is explained what this party means, why it is so important and unique, which are the basic requirements of its policy, in economic and social aspects, and why it is a must for contemporary decaying capitalist society. ] | 0. Introduction 1. Exploitation 2. Money 3. Allowances For Everybody 4. Social Prices 5. The Future 6. Conclusion | II. PROGRAM | [ Here are explained in more details the economic moments of activities of this party, more precisely how this livelong allowances must be paid, also the maintaining of social prices for the social products, and other moments in the future. ] | 0. Introduction 1. Lifelong Allowances 2. Social Ministry 3. Social Prices For Social Goods 4. Other Moments 5. Future 6. Conclusion | III. CODEX | [ Here we are concerned chiefly with the moral image of NAPUK party followers, but also with the immorality on money and how to avoid it, with the social ruling, and with other related, or not exactly, questions, which is good to be mentioned somewhere. ] | 0. Introduction 1. Moral Image of the NAPUK-ists 2. Ownership of the Means of Production 3. Bettering of the Ruling 4. Other Moments 5. The Future 6. Conclusion ||


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