Full Clearing Another World under a Goddess with Zero Believers: Volume 8

Isle Osaki


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Beschreibung zu „Full Clearing Another World under a Goddess with Zero Believers: Volume 8“

Makoto and his companions have successfully forged an alliance with Great Keith, and the Northern Front Plan is ready to commence! But before that, the heroes and priestesses of the six countries must convene in Highland for a strategy meeting. Unfortunately, Highland’s pope has a vicious vendetta against Makoto and Furiae, so he hurls shocking accusations intended to pit the other nations against them—and it couldn’t come at a worse time, as the King of Beasts and the Abyssal King proceed to launch their demonic forces against humanity. Bolstered by Noah’s anima, Makoto pours all his strength into fighting back the demons, but the alliance is soon rocked by devastating news: the Hero of Light will shine no more. Can Makoto defy fate to save his old friend and pull humanity back from the precipice of annihilation?


J-Novel Club




ca. 185





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