Full Clearing Another World under a Goddess with Zero Believers: Volume 11

Isle Osaki


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Beschreibung zu „Full Clearing Another World under a Goddess with Zero Believers: Volume 11“

A thousand years in the past, Makoto Takatsuki has successfully recruited the legendary hero party, and they’re finally ready to take on Demon Lord Bifrons. At least, that was the plan. But then the demon lords assemble, rallying an army that outnumbers the heroes a thousand to one. Makoto must shift tactics to counter the onslaught, and just when the situation seems dire, Ira reveals a shocking secret about water magic that could turn the tide of battle. Unfortunately, the Great Demon Lord is hardly one to play fair. Seeing the might of the heroes’ army, Iblis offers Makoto something truly tantalizing: power. The final showdown for the fate of history has begun. Can the heroes’ light pierce through the Clouds of Darkness? And is Makoto’s will as strong as his magic?


J-Novel Club




ca. 211





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