Among the Tibetans

Isabella L. Bird

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Beschreibung zu „Among the Tibetans“

Isabella L. Bird's 'Among the Tibetans' is a captivating firsthand account of her journey through the mysterious and remote region of Tibet in the late 19th century. Bird's detailed descriptions of the landscape, culture, and people she encounters are accompanied by insightful observations on the customs and traditions of the Tibetan people. Her engaging narrative style, combined with her keen eye for detail, makes this book a valuable literary resource for those interested in travel writing and exploration narratives of the Victorian era. During a time when Western knowledge of Tibet was limited, Bird's work stands out for its depth and breadth of information, shedding light on a region that was largely unknown to the outside world. The book not only serves as a travelogue but also a valuable historical document, providing a glimpse into a bygone era and a culture that was shrouded in mystery. Readers interested in travel literature, cultural studies, and historical exploration will find 'Among the Tibetans' to be a fascinating read, offering a unique perspective on a land that still holds intrigue and fascination today.


Good Press




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