Up the Hill and Over

Isabel Ecclestone Mackay

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Beschreibung zu „Up the Hill and Over“

Isabel Ecclestone Mackay's novel 'Up the Hill and Over' is a captivating exploration of the human spirit and the quest for self-discovery. Set in the late 19th century, the book follows the protagonist, Charlotte, as she navigates the challenges of her rural Canadian upbringing. Mackay's lyrical prose and keen attention to detail transport the reader to a time and place where societal norms and personal aspirations collide. The novel's themes of independence, resilience, and the power of nature make it a timeless and thought-provoking read. Mackay's skillful storytelling and vivid character development contribute to the overall richness of the narrative. Through Charlotte's journey, Mackay delves into the complexities of identity and the pursuit of personal fulfillment. 'Up the Hill and Over' is a testament to Mackay's talent as a writer and her ability to create compelling and relatable characters. Readers interested in literature that explores themes of self-discovery and the human experience will undoubtedly appreciate this poignant and introspective novel.


Good Press




ca. 286





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