Driven from Home

Horatio Alger

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Beschreibung zu „Driven from Home“

Horatio Alger's 'Driven from Home' is a classic tale of perseverance and self-reliance set in the literary context of the 19th century. The book follows the journey of a young protagonist who faces numerous challenges and setbacks before ultimately finding success through hard work and determination. Alger's straightforward and moralistic writing style resonates with readers, emphasizing the importance of honesty, integrity, and the value of a strong work ethic. The narrative is filled with themes of redemption and the belief that anyone can achieve their dreams with dedication and resilience. 'Driven from Home' is a timeless work that continues to inspire readers with its optimistic portrayal of the American dream. Horatio Alger, known for his rags-to-riches tales, drew inspiration from his own experiences as a young man struggling to make a living in New York City. His personal hardships and eventual success served as the foundation for his prolific literary career, making him a beloved figure in American literature. Readers looking for a story of hope and triumph will find 'Driven from Home' a compelling and uplifting read, reminding us of the power of perseverance in the face of adversity.


Good Press




ca. 160





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