The Modern Vikings: Stories of Life and Sport in the Norseland

Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen

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Beschreibung zu „The Modern Vikings: Stories of Life and Sport in the Norseland“

Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen's 'The Modern Vikings: Stories of Life and Sport in the Norseland' is a fascinating collection of tales that provide a glimpse into the lives of the Norse people. Through a combination of fiction and non-fiction narratives, Boyesen offers readers a vivid portrayal of the culture, traditions, and activities of the Vikings. The book is filled with adventurous stories of hunting, feasting, and competitive sports, showcasing the Viking's love for life and the outdoors. Boyesen's descriptive and engaging writing style brings the Norseland to life, making the reader feel as though they are right there alongside the characters. Set in the late 19th century, the book provides a unique perspective on Norse society during this time period. Boyesen's deep knowledge and appreciation for Norse culture shine through in every story, making it a valuable literary work for those interested in Scandinavian history and folklore. Readers who enjoy immersive storytelling and are curious about the Viking way of life will find 'The Modern Vikings' to be a captivating read that sheds light on a fascinating era in history.


Good Press




ca. 215





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