Death Stranding - Death Stranding: The Official Novelization – Volume 2

Hitori Nojima

Science Fiction

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Beschreibung zu „Death Stranding - Death Stranding: The Official Novelization – Volume 2“

The second volume of the official novelization of Death Stranding, the new franchise from legendary game-creator Hideo Kojima.
Mysterious explosions have rocked the planet, setting off a series of supernatural phenomena known as the Death Stranding. Spectral creatures that devour the living have pushed humanity to the brink of extinction, causing countries to fall and survivors to scatter and live in pockets of isolation. Sam Porter Bridges, the legendary porter with the ability to return from the world of the dead, has been entrusted to save mankind from the brink of destruction. Plagued by haunting visions, and tracked by Higgs, a man who longs to see humanity extinct, Sam must finally discover the truth behind the Death Stranding and fate of this world.


Titan Books




ca. 252





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