The Plattner Story and Others

Herbert George Wells

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Beschreibung zu „The Plattner Story and Others“

Herbert George Wells' "The Plattner Story and Others" is a collection of science fiction and fantasy tales that showcase Wells' unique blend of social commentary and futuristic imaginings. Written in the late 19th century, Wells' work reflects the increasing fascination with scientific advancements and the impact they may have on society. The stories are both thought-provoking and entertaining, exploring themes such as time travel, extraterrestrial life, and human evolution. Wells' straightforward prose style allows the reader to easily engage with the complex ideas presented in each story. This collection stands as a testament to Wells' mastery of the science fiction genre and his ability to foresee the implications of scientific progress. Herbert George Wells was a British writer and socialist who used his fiction to critique the social and political issues of his time. Wells' background as a student of science and a keen observer of society informed his writing, leading him to create speculative worlds that challenge readers to consider the consequences of scientific advancement. "The Plattner Story and Others" is a prime example of Wells' ability to use fiction as a tool for social commentary and philosophical exploration. For fans of classic science fiction and readers interested in exploring the intersection of science and society, Herbert George Wells' "The Plattner Story and Others" is a must-read. This collection not only entertains with its imaginative storytelling but also prompts readers to question the nature of humanity and the potential pitfalls of unchecked progress.

Über Herbert George Wells

H.-G.-Wells. war ein englischer Schriftsteller und Pionier der Science-Fiction-Literatur. Wells, der auch Historiker und Soziologe war, hatte seinen größten Erfolg mit Der Krieg der Welten Das Buch wurde 1898 veröffentlicht, die deutsche Übersetzung von Gottlieb August Crüwell erschien 1901. Berühmt wurde Krieg der Welten durch die Hörspielfassung von Orson Welles 1938 in den Vereinigten Staaten, diese rief eine Panik hervor. "Noch heute zehren die Verfasser primitiver Fernsehserien und Gruselfilme von Wells' menschenfeindlichen Invasoren aus dem All ..."


Good Press




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