The Autobiography of a Cornish Smuggler (Captain Harry Carter, of Prussia Cove) 1749-1809

Harry Carter John B. Cornish

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Beschreibung zu „The Autobiography of a Cornish Smuggler (Captain Harry Carter, of Prussia Cove) 1749-1809“

Harry Carter's 'The Autobiography of a Cornish Smuggler (Captain Harry Carter, of Prussia Cove) 1749-1809' presents a fascinating insight into the world of 18th-century smuggling in Cornwall. Written in a vivid and engaging narrative style, the book provides a detailed account of Carter's adventurous life as a smuggler, offering readers a glimpse into the dangers and thrills of this illicit profession. Carter's memoirs are not only a gripping tale of daring escapades but also serve as a valuable historical document shedding light on the social and economic realities of the time. The book is a must-read for those interested in maritime history, crime, and adventure narratives. Harry Carter's authentic voice and eyewitness account make this book a significant contribution to the literature on smuggling and life on the rugged Cornish coast in the late 18th century.


Good Press




ca. 97





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