The Luminous Planet

Hannah Klinge

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Beschreibung zu „The Luminous Planet“

"An original, important book. It certainly deserves to be shared widely with the world, and in schools in particular."
- Suzanne Brøgger, bestselling Danish Author

The Luminous Planet is a poetic utopia about the UN's 17 Development Goals. On a star in the universe lives the creature Orion, until the day his longing for truth brings him on an adventure towards the luminous planet.
Here he meets 17 creatures whose stories give the reader an insight into the problems of the Development Goals and the necessity of their achievement: The fight for a world without war, poverty, famine, natural disasters and inequality. The book shows the disastrous consequences if the goals are ignored, or the bright future if they are achieved.

The idea of an 18th Development Goal, which brings together the UN's 17 alignments 'transforming ourselves to transform the world' is presented when, on his journey, Orion feels that there is a battle within himself that must be fought before the luminous planet can shine in all eternity.

"It is truly a wonderful artistic effort we have been given with Hannah Klinge's The Luminous Planet."
- Steen Hildebrandt, Professor emeritus, PhD


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