
Henry Rider Haggard

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Beschreibung zu „She“

There are some events of which each circumstance and surrounding detail seems to be graven on the memory in such fashion that we cannot forget it, and so it is with the scene that I am about to describe. It rises as clearly before my mind at this moment as though it had happened but yesterday.
It was in this very month something over twenty years ago that I, Ludwig Horace Holly, was sitting one night in my rooms at Cambridge, grinding away at some mathematical work, I forget what. I was to go up for my fellowship within a week, and was expected by my tutor and my college generally to distinguish myself. At last, wearied out, I flung my book down, and, going to the mantelpiece, took down a pipe and filled it. There was a candle burning on the mantelpiece, and a long, narrow glass at the back of it; and as I was in the act of lighting the pipe I caught sight of my own countenance in the glass, and paused to reflect. The lighted match burnt away till it scorched my fingers, forcing me to drop it; but still I stood and stared at myself in the glass, and reflected.
"Well," I said aloud, at last, "it is to be hoped that I shall be able to do something with the inside of my head, for I shall certainly never do anything by the help of the outside."

Über Henry Rider Haggard

Henry Rider Haggard (1856 – 1925) trat 1875 in den britischen Kolonialdienst in Südafrika. Dort machte er sich mit der Zulu-Kultur vertraut und hatte eine Affäre mit einer afrikanischen Frau, – eine tiefe Beziehung, die seine Darstellung von Frauen beeinflusste und später psychoanalytische Interpretationen seiner Romane nach sich zog. 1881 kehrte Haggard nach England zurück, wo er seine juristischen Examina ablegte und weiter für die Regierung tätig war. Seinen Lebensunterhalt aber verdiente er vor allem als produktiver und erfolgreicher Schriftsteller, dessen Abenteuerromane durch seinen Aufenthalt in Afrika sowie sein Interesse an antiken Kulturen und an allem Okkulten nachhaltig geprägt worden sind.


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