The British Jugernath: Free trade! Fair trade!! Reciprocity!!! Retaliation!!!!

Guilford L. Molesworth

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Beschreibung zu „The British Jugernath: Free trade! Fair trade!! Reciprocity!!! Retaliation!!!!“

Guilford L. Molesworth's 'The British Jugernath: Free trade! Fair trade!! Reciprocity!!! Retaliation!!!!' is an insightful examination of the economic principles of free trade, fair trade, reciprocity, and retaliation in the context of British trade policies during the 19th century. Written in a clear and engaging style, Molesworth delves into the complexities of international trade relations, offering a critical analysis of the British approach to economic diplomacy. The book provides a wealth of historical context and theoretical insights, making it a valuable resource for scholars and students interested in the intricacies of trade policy and international economics in the Victorian era. Molesworth's meticulous research and compelling arguments shed light on the debates surrounding economic liberalism and protectionism in a rapidly changing global economy. The British Jugernath is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the forces shaping British trade policies in the 19th century.


Good Press




ca. 90





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