Post-Prandial Philosophy

Grant Allen

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Beschreibung zu „Post-Prandial Philosophy“

Grant Allen's 'Post-Prandial Philosophy' is a collection of witty and insightful essays that cover a wide range of topics, from nature and evolution to literature and ethics. Written in a clear and engaging style, Allen combines scientific knowledge with a philosophical perspective, making complex ideas accessible to a general audience. The book reflects the intellectual climate of the late 19th century, where debates about evolution and the impact of science on society were pervasive. Allen's keen observations and sharp analysis provide thought-provoking reflections on the human condition and the mysteries of the natural world. His writing is both informative and entertaining, making it a valuable read for anyone interested in philosophy, science, or literature. Grant Allen, a prolific writer and scientist, drew inspiration from his background in biology and anthropology to explore the intersections between science and culture. 'Post-Prandial Philosophy' showcases Allen's interdisciplinary approach and his ability to blend different fields of knowledge to create a compelling narrative. I highly recommend this book to readers who enjoy thought-provoking essays that challenge conventional wisdom and inspire deeper reflection on the world around us.


Good Press




ca. 113





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