French Horn in F part of "Guglielmo Tell" for Woodwind Quintet

William Tell - overture

Gioacchino Rossini a cura di Enrico Zullino

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Beschreibung zu „French Horn in F part of "Guglielmo Tell" for Woodwind Quintet“

This edition presents the French Horn in F  part of Gioachino Rossini's "William Tell" overture, transcribed for Woodwind Quintet (Flute, Oboe, B♭ Clarinet, French Horn in F, and Bassoon) by Enrico Zullino. Designed for musicians at an intermediate to advanced level, this arrangement captures the essence of Rossini's opera masterpiece, offering a unique ensemble experience. The duration of the piece is approximately 10 minutes. While this offering focuses on the Horn in F part, the other instrumental parts and the complete score are available separately within the series. To further enrich the musician's experience, this edition includes detailed prefaces in several languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, providing valuable insights and background to enhance understanding and appreciation of the piece.


Glissato Edizioni Musicali







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