Dutch Art in the Nineteenth Century

Gerharda Hermina Marius

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Beschreibung zu „Dutch Art in the Nineteenth Century“

Gerharda Hermina Marius' 'Dutch Art in the Nineteenth Century' delves into the artistic landscape of the Netherlands during a pivotal era. Through a meticulous examination of various art forms such as painting, sculpture, and architecture, Marius explores the themes, styles, and influences that characterized Dutch art in the 1800s. The book offers a comprehensive analysis of key figures like Vincent van Gogh, Johannes Vermeer, and Piet Mondrian, shedding light on their contributions to the art world. Marius's scholarly approach provides readers with a deeper understanding of the cultural and historical context in which these artists worked, making it an essential read for art enthusiasts and scholars alike. Her engaging prose and insightful interpretations make this book a valuable resource for anyone interested in the evolution of Dutch art. Gerharda Hermina Marius, a distinguished art historian with a specialization in Dutch art, brings her expertise to the forefront in 'Dutch Art in the Nineteenth Century.' Drawing on her extensive research and passion for the subject, Marius presents a compelling narrative that underscores the significance of Dutch art on the global stage. Scholars, students, and art aficionados will find immense value in Marius' thorough analysis and thoughtful observations. 'Dutch Art in the Nineteenth Century' is a must-read for anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge of Dutch art history and gain a new perspective on this rich cultural heritage.


Good Press




ca. 154





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