Evan Harrington — Complete

George Meredith

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Beschreibung zu „Evan Harrington — Complete“

In George Meredith's novel 'Evan Harrington - Complete,' readers are taken on a journey through society's expectations and the complexities of class distinctions in 19th century England. The novel showcases Meredith's intricate and detailed prose style, with a keen eye for character development and social commentary. Through the story of Evan Harrington, a young man striving to rise above his humble origins, Meredith delves into themes of identity, love, and ambition, offering a nuanced portrayal of the human experience within a rigid class structure. The novel is a compelling combination of humor, drama, and insight, making it a timeless classic of English literature. George Meredith, a renowned Victorian era author, drew inspiration from his own experiences and observations of society to create 'Evan Harrington - Complete.' Known for his sharp wit and astute observations of human behavior, Meredith's work often explores the complexities of relationships and societal norms. His unique perspective and literary talent shine through in this novel, offering readers a thought-provoking and engaging read. I highly recommend 'Evan Harrington - Complete' to readers who appreciate classic literature, social commentary, and rich character development. Meredith's masterful storytelling and insightful exploration of class dynamics make this novel a must-read for those interested in the nuances of Victorian society and human nature.


Good Press




ca. 518





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