Reflections III

- in words and fantasy images

George Manus

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Beschreibung zu „Reflections III“

A reflection is an afterthought.

While things are happening, we only think about the here and now. It´s only afterwards that we have the opportunity to rethink, analyse, consider and REFLECT.
The author George Manus has through all his life reflected over large and small. This have already resulted in two books in this genre, the first, "REFLECTIONS I - in words and pictures", and the second, "REFLECTIONS II - in words and proverbs".

This third book got the title "REFLECTIONS III - in words and fantasy images", as many of the reflections/stories are related to fantasy. The images are supplied by the Danish architect and visual artist Jan Arnts pictorial series FANTASIES.

The book contains no less than 52 reflections /stories, where the author among others treats subjects like LIGHT and SHADOWS, WITH MY BACK AGAINST THE WALL and FEELING OF GUILT... Yes, even a TYPEWRITER is taken with loving care.

All are reflections /stories which can only make you wiser.

Happy reading.

Revised 2nd edition published in 2018


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