"Russian Rag," originally composed by the renowned George Linus Cobb, is brought to life in a sophisticated arrangement for Clarinet Quartet by Francesco Leone. This selection is ideal for intermediate players who wish to engage with a piece that combines the charm of early 20th-century ragtime with the nuanced demands of clarinet performance. The package includes the full score and six individual parts: three for B-flat Clarinets, one for Bass Clarinet, with the thoughtful inclusion of alternative parts for E-flat Piccolo Clarinet and E-flat Alto Clarinet, providing a customizable ensemble configuration.
Each part is crafted with attention to detail, ensuring clarity and playability. The ensemble can take advantage of the substitute parts to fit their unique instrumental composition or to challenge themselves with different tonalities. An accompanying audio demo is accessible on www.glissato.it, offering a practical resource for musicians to acquaint themselves with the tempo, rhythm, and spirit of the rag, serving both as an interpretative guide and a source of inspiration. This eBook is not just sheet music—it's an invitation to experience a classic through the versatility and warmth of the clarinet family.