The Origin and Meaning of Place Names in Canada

George Henry Armstrong

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Beschreibung zu „The Origin and Meaning of Place Names in Canada“

In George Henry Armstrong's 'The Origin and Meaning of Place Names in Canada,' readers are taken on a linguistic journey through the unique and diverse landscape of Canada, uncovering the histories and stories behind the names of various places. Armstrong's writing style is both informative and engaging, providing readers with a detailed analysis of the origins of Canadian place names, including Aboriginal, French, and English influences. Readers will appreciate the meticulous research and attention to detail present in this book, which serves as both a historical reference and a literary exploration of Canadian geography. Armstrong's work is a valuable contribution to the study of Canadian place names, providing insight into the cultural and linguistic tapestry of the country. Readers interested in Canadian history, geography, and linguistics will find 'The Origin and Meaning of Place Names in Canada' to be an enlightening and captivating read.


Good Press




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