Our Friend the Charlatan

George Gissing

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Beschreibung zu „Our Friend the Charlatan“

In George Gissing's 'Our Friend the Charlatan,' the reader is taken on a journey through the complex world of social dynamics and personal morals. Set in the late 19th century, the novel explores the themes of hypocrisy, deception, and manipulation in society. Gissing's writing style is characterized by its detailed descriptions, introspective characterizations, and subtle social commentary. The narrative unfolds in a series of interconnected events that ultimately lead to a thought-provoking conclusion. The book is a reflection of the author's own experience and observations of the world around him, making it a valuable piece of social realism literature. Gissing's ability to capture the nuances of human behavior and societal norms creates a compelling and engaging read for those interested in exploring the complexities of human interaction.


Good Press




ca. 387





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