The Life Story of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave

Frederick Douglass

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Beschreibung zu „The Life Story of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave“

This eBook edition of "The Life Story of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave" has been formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices.
"Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass" is a memoir on abolition written by Frederick Douglass. It is held to be the most famous of a number of narratives written by former slaves during the 19th century. In factual detail, the text describes the events of his life and is considered to be one of the most influential pieces of literature to fuel the abolitionist movement of the early 19th century in the United States.
Frederick Douglass (1818-1895) was an African-American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman. After escaping from slavery in Maryland, he became a national leader of the abolitionist movement in Massachusetts and New York, gaining note for his dazzling oratory and incisive antislavery writings.


Musaicum Books




ca. 117





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