English Law and the Renaissance

The Rede Lecture for 1901

Frederic William Maitland

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Beschreibung zu „English Law and the Renaissance“

In 'English Law and the Renaissance', Frederic William Maitland delves into the evolution of English law during the Renaissance period. Through a meticulous examination of legal records and historical documents, Maitland discusses how the legal system adapted and transformed in response to the changing social and political dynamics of the time. Maitland's writing is characterized by its depth of research, analytical rigor, and attention to detail, making this book an essential resource for scholars and students of legal history. He explores how legal principles were influenced by wider cultural, intellectual, and religious movements of the Renaissance, shedding light on the intersections between law and society in this transformative period. Maitland's compelling narrative style and engaging analysis make 'English Law and the Renaissance' a captivating read for anyone interested in the intersection of law, history, and culture. This book is highly recommended for individuals seeking a comprehensive understanding of the development of English law during a key historical era.


Good Press




ca. 63





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