The Strollers

Frederic Stewart Isham

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Beschreibung zu „The Strollers“

Frederic Stewart Isham's novel, 'The Strollers', follows the lives of a group of young artists as they navigate the vibrant cultural scene of early 20th-century Paris. Isham's lyrical prose captures the bohemian spirit of the era, with vivid descriptions of art studios, cafes, and late-night gatherings. The novel is a blend of romance, drama, and introspection, reflecting the influence of French literary traditions and the author's own experiences as a writer and traveler. Isham's attention to detail and nuanced character development make 'The Strollers' a compelling read for those interested in the intersection of art and society in the Belle Époque. As a contemporary of Hemingway and Fitzgerald, Isham brings a unique perspective to the world of the expatriate artist community in Paris, shedding light on the challenges and rewards of pursuing a creative life abroad. 'The Strollers' is a must-read for anyone fascinated by the cultural history of Paris and the lives of aspiring artists in the early 20th century.


Good Press




ca. 320





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