Paul Quentin

Fred M. White

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Beschreibung zu „Paul Quentin“

Fred M. White's 'Paul Quentin' is a quintessential example of late 19th-century Gothic fiction, filled with intricate plots and intense character development. The narrative follows the protagonist, Paul Quentin, as he navigates a complex web of secrets and betrayals, ultimately leading to a stunning conclusion that leaves readers questioning the nature of truth and loyalty. White's writing style is rich in detail and vivid imagery, immersing the reader in the eerie and suspenseful world he has created. The book is a must-read for fans of Victorian-era literature, as it offers a glimpse into the societal anxieties and moral dilemmas of the time. Fred M. White, a prolific author known for his contributions to the mystery and thriller genres, drew on his own experiences and observations of human nature to craft a story that continues to captivate readers over a century after its initial publication. 'Paul Quentin' is a timeless classic that will appeal to anyone seeking a thrilling and thought-provoking read.


Good Press




ca. 209





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