"And there was light". OM= m*c2= E

The God Code

Frank Ludwig

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Beschreibung zu „"And there was light". OM= m*c2= E“

This book with its formula Om = m*c2 = E
may serve as a binding bracket for spirituality/religion and science.

With quotes of Jesus of Nazareth, it was proven the thesis that
Om = m*c2= E, using Hindu and Buddhist teachings as well to close the circle with modern science.

The reconciliation of energy and matter, of spirit and body is healing both body and soul as well as religion and science.
The gap between science and religion, that existed nearly for 400 years since the scientific revolution can be closed now.

The age old OM explained with the only 100 years old formula from Einstein leads to a beneficial connection from religion and science. It heals the division of body (matter) and spirit (energy) too.


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