The Four Stragglers

Frank L. Packard

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Beschreibung zu „The Four Stragglers“

Frank L. Packard's 'The Four Stragglers' delves into the theme of friendship, loyalty, and perseverance amidst challenging circumstances. Set against the backdrop of World War II, Packard masterfully weaves a tale of four soldiers who find themselves separated from their unit behind enemy lines and must rely on each other to survive. The novel is written in a compelling and suspenseful narrative style, keeping the reader engaged as the characters navigate through the perils of war. Frank L. Packard, a seasoned war correspondent, drew inspiration from his real-life experiences and the stories of brave individuals he encountered during his time in the field. His firsthand knowledge gives the book an authentic and immersive quality, offering readers a glimpse into the harsh reality of war and the bond forged between comrades in arms. I highly recommend 'The Four Stragglers' to those interested in historical fiction, particularly World War II literature. Packard's vivid storytelling and attention to detail make this novel a captivating and thought-provoking read that sheds light on the human spirit and the resilience of individuals in times of adversity.


Good Press




ca. 225





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