A Little Princess

Frances Hodgson Burnett

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Beschreibung zu „A Little Princess“

A Little Princess is a children's novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett. A Little Princess opens with seven-year-old Sara Crewe and her father, Captain Crewe, arriving at Miss Minchin's boarding school for girls in London. Captain Crewe is very wealthy and states that Sara is destined for a lavish, comfortable future. Despite being pampered all her life in India, Sara herself is very intelligent, polite, and creative. Headmistress Miss Minchin is secretly jealous and dislikes Sara for her cleverness, but openly praises and flatters her because of her father's wealth. Before departing for India, Captain Crewe purchases Sara an elegant wardrobe and a doll whom Sara adores and names "Emily." Sara's friendliness and love for pretending and storytelling makes her popular with most of the school's students.

Über Frances Hodgson Burnett

Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924) fue una escritora estadounidense de origen británico. Su éxito llegó con la literatura infantil con obras como El pequeño lord (1885) (llevada al cine como El pequeño Lord Fauntleyroy) consolidándose posteriormente con La princesita (1905) y El jardín secreto (1910), completando así su trilogía para niños.






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