Flappers and Philosophers

F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Beschreibung zu „Flappers and Philosophers“

F. Scott Fitzgerald's collection of short stories in 'Flappers and Philosophers' encapsulates the essence of the Roaring Twenties, exploring themes of youth, love, and disillusionment. With a poetic and elegant prose style, Fitzgerald captures the spirit of the Jazz Age and portrays complex characters grappling with societal expectations and personal desires. This work showcases Fitzgerald's keen observation of human nature and his ability to convey the complexities of relationships and the pursuit of individual identity. 'Flappers and Philosophers' stands as a classic example of American modernist literature, blending wit, charm, and introspection in equal measure. Fitzgerald's masterful storytelling and vivid imagery provide readers with a poignant reflection on the changing social dynamics of the early 20th century. Recommended for those interested in exploring the cultural milieu of the 1920s and the timeless themes of love and self-discovery.

Über F. Scott Fitzgerald

F. Scott Fitzgerald was born in 1896 in St Paul, Minnesota, and went to Princeton University which he left in 1917 to join the army. Fitzgerald was said to have epitomised the Jazz Age, an age inhabited by a generation he defined as 'grown up to find all Gods dead, all wars fought, all faiths in man shaken'.


Good Press




ca. 181





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