The Blackmore Country

F. J. Snell

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Beschreibung zu „The Blackmore Country“

In 'The Blackmore Country' by F. J. Snell, readers are transported to the rugged landscapes of Dartmoor, England. The book beautifully captures the essence of the moors, delving into the local customs, folklore, and way of life. Snell's descriptive prose vividly brings to life the alluring yet haunting setting, creating a sense of place that is both captivating and atmospheric. The narrative style of the book is reminiscent of Victorian Gothic literature, with a touch of mysteriousness and a keen eye for detail. Readers will find themselves immersed in the world of Dartmoor, feeling the chilly winds and hearing the echoing footsteps on the heath. 'The Blackmore Country' is a compelling blend of nature writing and regional literature, offering a unique glimpse into a lesser-explored part of England's countryside.


Good Press




ca. 223





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