The Pocket Bible; or, Christian the Printer: A Tale of the Sixteenth Century

Eugène Sue

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Beschreibung zu „The Pocket Bible; or, Christian the Printer: A Tale of the Sixteenth Century“

Eugène Sue's 'The Pocket Bible; or, Christian the Printer: A Tale of the Sixteenth Century' is a riveting historical novel set in the tumultuous 16th century. The book follows the journey of Christian, a humble printer, as he becomes embroiled in political and religious upheaval surrounding the translation of the Bible. Sue's literary style combines historical accuracy with dramatic storytelling, making the book a compelling read for those interested in religious history and social issues of the time. Eugène Sue, a French author known for his social and political commentary in his works, was inspired to write 'The Pocket Bible' due to his own experiences and observations of religious persecution. Sue's background as a journalist and his keen eye for social injustices shine through in this novel, adding depth and urgency to the narrative. I highly recommend 'The Pocket Bible; or, Christian the Printer' to readers interested in historical fiction, religious history, and social commentary. Sue's captivating storytelling and thought-provoking themes make this book a must-read for anyone looking for a compelling and insightful narrative.


Good Press




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