A political pilgrim in Europe

Ethel Snowden

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Beschreibung zu „A political pilgrim in Europe“

In 'A Political Pilgrim in Europe' by Ethel Snowden, the reader is taken on a journey through post-World War I Europe, where Snowden documents her experiences and insights on various political and social issues. Written in a clear and engaging style, the book provides a unique perspective on the political landscape of the time, offering a valuable historical account of the era. Snowden's observations and detailed analysis of the countries she visited give readers a deeper understanding of the cultural and economic factors at play. This book is a significant contribution to political literature, offering a firsthand account of a pivotal moment in European history. Ethel Snowden's writing is both informative and thought-provoking, making it a must-read for those interested in European politics and history. Snowden's personal experiences and keen observations make 'A Political Pilgrim in Europe' a compelling and enlightening read for any enthusiast of political literature.


Good Press




ca. 276





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