The Laughing Cavalier

Emmuska Orczy

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Beschreibung zu „The Laughing Cavalier“

In Emmuska Orczy's novel 'The Laughing Cavalier', readers are transported back to the 17th century amidst the turmoil of the Dutch War of Independence. The book is characterized by its gripping storyline filled with intrigue, romance, and adventure, making it a classic historical fiction piece. Orczy's vivid descriptions and attention to detail bring the setting to life, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the world of the Dutch Golden Age. Emmuska Orczy, a Hungarian-born British author, was known for her historical novels that often featured themes of heroism and chivalry. Her background and experiences as a refugee during the Hungarian Revolution of 1848 may have influenced her writing style, as she often portrayed characters facing adversity with courage and resilience. 'The Laughing Cavalier' is a must-read for anyone interested in historical fiction, particularly those who enjoy tales of adventure set against a backdrop of political unrest. Orczy's masterful storytelling and rich historical context make this novel a timeless classic that will captivate readers of all ages.


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