Emily Brontë: The Complete Works (The Greatest Novelists of All Time – Book 9)

Complete Fiction and Poetry

Emily Brontë

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Beschreibung zu „Emily Brontë: The Complete Works (The Greatest Novelists of All Time – Book 9)“

e-artnow presents to you this collection of Emily Brontë's complete works. Emily Brontë, a member of famous Brontë family, was an English novelist and poet, best known for her novel Wuthering Heights, now considered a classic of English literature. She wrote as well poems which later found regard as poetic genius.
This edition includes:
Wuthering Heights
Faith and Despondency
The Philosopher
A Death-Scene
My Lady's Grave
The Prisoner
A Day Dream
To Imagination
How Clear She Shines
Plead for Me
Stanzas to —
Honour's Martyr
My Comforter
The Old Stoic
A Little While, a Little While
The Bluebell
Loud Without the Wind Was Roaring
Shall Earth No More Inspire Thee
The Night-Wind
'Aye—There It Is! It Wakes To-Night
Love and Friendship
The Elder's Rebuke
The Wanderer From the Fold
Warning and Reply
Last Words
The Lady to Her Guitar
The Two Children
The Visionary
No Coward Soul Is Mine
O God of heaven!
⁠Lord of Elbe, on Elbe hill
Cold, clear, and blue the morning heaven
Tell me, tell me, smiling child
High waving heather 'neath stormy blasts bending
The night of storms has past
I saw thee, child, one summer day
The battle had passed from the height
Alone I sat; the summer day
The night is darkening round me
I'll come when thou art saddest
I would have touched the heavenly key
Now trust a heart that trusts in you
Sleep brings no joy to me
Strong I stand, though I have borne
O Mother! I am not regretting
Awake, awake! how loud the stormy morning
O wander not so far away!
Why do I hate that lone green dell?
Gleneden's Dream
It's over now; I've known it all
⁠This shall be thy lullaby
'Twas one of those dark, cloudy days
Douglas Ride
⁠What rider up Gobeloin's glen
⁠Geraldine, the moon is shining
Where were ye all? and where wert thou?
Light up thy halls! 'Tis closing day
O dream, where art thou now?
How still, how happy! These are words
The night was dark, yet winter breathed
The Absent One
To the Bluebell…
Emily Brontë: Biography by Robinson

Über Emily Brontë

Emily Jane Brontë nació en 1818 en Thornton, en el norte de Inglaterrra. Hija de un clérigo, perdió a su madre a temprana edad y se educó junto con sus cuatro hermanas y su hermano Branwell en una rectoría aislada en los páramos de Yorkshire. Durante un breve período, asistió a la escuela de Cowan Bridge ?un siniestro internado que Charlotte retrataría en su novela Jane Eyre¬?, pero tras la muerte de sus hermanas Maria y Elizabeth ambas prosiguieron su educación en casa. Emily siempre destacó por su fuerte temperamento y su carácter reservado y huraño. Todos sus intentos por integrarse en el mundo ?un viaje a Bruselas junto con Charlotte para aprender francés, unos meses como institutriz? se saldaron con un apresurado regreso al hogar, donde Emily permanecería hasta su muerte en 1848, a los treinta años.Emily Brontë publicó en vida sólo unos cuantos poemas, que aparecerían en un volumen junto con los de sus hermanas Charlotte y Anne bajo los seudónimos de Ellis, Currer y Acton Bell, y la novela Cumbres borrascosas (1847).






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