Watch Her Feet

A Guide To Body Language In Relationships

Emanuele M. Barboni Dalla Costa

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Beschreibung zu „Watch Her Feet“

Did you know that the lower part of your body is governed by the unconscious and is able to send hundreds of messages into the world in a completely unconscious way?

Have you ever wondered how your head movements, hand gestures, glances and facial expressions are interpreted subliminally by others?

Would you like to know the secrets of making a good first impression on a romantic date, at a job interview or when presenting your project or idea to the public?

If you have always been curious about this topic and would like to broaden your knowledge in the field of communication, here is an ‘honest’ guide to interpreting body language in everyday life.

Learning to recognise and interpret our own and other people’s body language is a skill that can be crucial at work, in seduction and more generally in relationships with others.

Noticing the small mistakes you have always made will give you a competitive ‘edge’ and radically improve your image in the eyes of others.

It will also enable you to get to know yourself better and to establish deeper relationships with colleagues, partners and friends.



Three Clues Make a Proof?

The challenge of communicating

Reflecting oneself in others

Seduction Through Your Body

Words Can Confuse, the Body Cannot

Female and Male Signals of Interest

The Perfect Job Interview

Eyes Don't Lie: The Power of the Eye

The state of mind that passes through the face

Recognising Head Movements

The Hands: Shaping What We Imagine

So Close, So Far: Proxemics and Space Management







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