From Jest to Earnest

Edward Payson Roe

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Beschreibung zu „From Jest to Earnest“

Edward Payson Roe's novel, 'From Jest to Earnest,' is a compelling tale that explores the themes of love, faith, and personal growth. Set in a quaint New England town, the novel follows the journey of a young minister who must navigate the challenges of his profession while also discovering the true meaning of his beliefs. Roe's elegant prose and attention to detail bring the characters to life, making the reader feel as though they are part of the town's community. The novel is a blend of romance, spirituality, and moral dilemmas that will resonate with audiences seeking a thought-provoking and morally uplifting story. With its exploration of faith and duty, 'From Jest to Earnest' is a valuable contribution to American literature of the 19th century. Edward Payson Roe's background as a Presbyterian minister undoubtedly influenced the moral depth and introspection present in the novel. His firsthand experience with religious matters adds authenticity to the characters' internal struggles and growth throughout the narrative. I highly recommend 'From Jest to Earnest' to readers who appreciate nuanced storytelling and moral complexity in their literature.


Good Press




ca. 379





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