The Man With The Broken Ear

Edmond About

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Beschreibung zu „The Man With The Broken Ear“

In 'The Man With The Broken Ear' by Edmond About, readers are taken on a thrilling journey through the aftermath of a political revolution. The book perfectly captures the anxieties and uncertainties that plague a society in transition, while also delving into themes of betrayal and redemption. About's writing style is characterized by its attention to detail and nuanced character development, making this novel a compelling read for those interested in 19th-century French literature. The author's exploration of political intrigue and personal morality adds depth to the story, lending it a timeless quality that continues to resonate with readers today. Ultimately, 'The Man With The Broken Ear' stands as a testament to About's talent for crafting intricate narratives that challenge and captivate audiences.


Good Press




ca. 177





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