Praying for Your Missionary

How Prayers from Home Can Reach the Nations

Eddie Byun

Religion & Glaube

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Beschreibung zu „Praying for Your Missionary“

Being a missionary is a noble calling, but it's also a difficult one.Missionaries face many challenges, whether adjusting to a new culture, learning a new language, or guarding against spiritual attacks. They need the support of the church and a faithful covering of prayer. But for many Christians, missionaries are out of sight, out of mind. How can we effectively intercede for the missionaries in our lives?Eddie Byun provides a handy guide to praying for missionaries. He shows the vital connection between prayer and missions, how our prayers are connected to both the well-being of missionaries and the fruit of their work. This book offers ways to pray for the various needs that missionaries have on the mission field, to prevent burnout and protect them from harm. We can partner with our missionaries as individual intercessors and as sending churches. The fields are ready for harvest. Your prayers for the workers and their ministry can make a difference.






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