Q-Ships and Their Story

History of Sea Battles in WW1

E. Keble Chatterton

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Beschreibung zu „Q-Ships and Their Story“

E. Keble Chatterton's 'Q-Ships and Their Story' is a meticulously researched account of the little-known naval strategy of using disguised merchant ships to lure and destroy German U-boats during World War I. The book delves into the historical context of the Q-ship operations, providing detailed descriptions of the tactics employed and the brave sailors who risked their lives to protect Allied convoys. Chatterton's writing style is authoritative and engaging, making this book a valuable resource for military history enthusiasts and scholars interested in naval warfare. The inclusion of first-hand accounts and technical details adds depth and realism to the narrative, making it both informative and compelling. E. Keble Chatterton, a renowned maritime historian and author, brings his expertise to this comprehensive study of Q-ships, shedding light on a crucial but often overlooked aspect of naval warfare. His passion for the subject is evident throughout the book, making it a must-read for anyone interested in the history of naval tactics and the bravery of those who served at sea during wartime.


Good Press




ca. 241





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