Blood City

Douglas Skelton


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Beschreibung zu „Blood City“

Glasgow's mean streets just got meaner. Can Davie McCall survive? Meet Davie McCall. Beaten, bloody… brutal. Irrevocably damaged by the barbaric regime of an abusive father, and haunted by memories of his mother's murder, there is a darkness inside him. Enter Joe the Tailor. A sophisticated crimelord with morals, he might be the only man in the city Davie can trust. But then the bodies begin to mount…In 1980s Glasgow, the criminal underworld is about to splinter. Battle lines are drawn, and the gap between friend and enemy blurs as criminals and police alike are caught in a net of lies, murder and revenge that will change the city forever. Scotland's foremost true-crime author. THE SCOTSMAN The city's dark underbelly complete with knives, razors, guns and gangs... DAILY MAIL You follow the plot like an eager dog, nose turning this way and that, not catching every single clue but quivering as you lunge towards a blood-splattered denouement. DAILY EXPRESS The Glasgow of this period is a great, gritty setting for a crime story, and Skelton's non-fiction work stands him in good stead… he's taken well to fiction… the unexpected twists keep coming. THE HERALD


Luath Press




ca. 223





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