The Little Lame Prince and His Travelling-Cloak

Dinah Craik

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Beschreibung zu „The Little Lame Prince and His Travelling-Cloak“

Dinah Craik's 'The Little Lame Prince and His Travelling-Cloak' is a charming children's fairy tale filled with whimsical adventures and moral lessons. Written in a clear and engaging style, the book follows the adventures of a young prince who uses his magical traveling-cloak to explore the world and learn valuable life lessons along the way. Craik's storytelling is reminiscent of classic fairy tales, with a modern twist that will capture the imaginations of young readers. Dinah Craik, a Victorian-era author known for her works on domestic life and social issues, wrote 'The Little Lame Prince' as a departure from her usual themes. Inspired by her own experiences as a mother, Craik sought to create a timeless story that would entertain and educate children of all ages. Her personal connection to the material shines through in the heartfelt storytelling and relatable characters. I highly recommend 'The Little Lame Prince and His Travelling-Cloak' to readers looking for a delightful and thought-provoking children's book. Craik's imaginative tale is sure to captivate young minds and leave a lasting impression on both children and adults alike.


Good Press




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