Church for Everyone

Building a Multi-Inclusive Community for Emerging Generations

Efrem Smith Daniel Kreiss

Religion & Glaube

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Beschreibung zu „Church for Everyone“

Diversity is a high value for younger generations—but too often, they're not finding it in the church.
Emerging generations in the West are more diverse than ever—ethnically, socioeconomically, educationally, and politically. And as church attendance among younger generations declines rapidly, research shows that one of their primary sticking points is the lack of diversity in most churches.
In Church for Everyone, pastors Dan Kreiss and Efrem Smith address this phenomenon head-on. In this research-based, theologically informed, and practical book, they explore the younger generations' expectations and disappointments with church and hold out a vision for true diversity taken from the pages of Scripture. As experienced church leaders themselves, Kreiss and Smith share a wealth of practical experience and stories from the trenches of multiethnic ministry.
The good news is that God has already called the church to diversity. As we seek to live out this calling in our own local contexts, we can become the demonstration of God's love for all humanity that he has designed the church to be—and that the younger generation is so desperately looking for.

Über Efrem Smith

Efrem Smith uses motivational speaking, comedy, and preaching to equip people for a life of transformation. He is the Superintendent of the Pacific Southwest Conference for the Evangelical Covenant Church, and an Itinerant Speaker with Kingdom Building Ministries. He is a graduate of Saint John’s University and Luther Theological Seminary, and the author of Raising Up Young Heroes and The Hip-Hop Church. He and his family live in the Bay Area of California.






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