Elevator Pitch 2.0

Your first step towards business success: Awaken the interest of your target clients through a personal and customized approach.

Daniel Kern

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Beschreibung zu „Elevator Pitch 2.0“

There are countless books taking on the subject of the Elevator Pitch, that address that one sentence method that wakes up the interest and make the customer want to know more and more. But, the experienced networker and entrepreneur Daniel Kern knows from personal experience: Even the best prepared Elevator Pitch interests a very small number of people.

With his new approach "Elevator Pitch 2.0" success can be multiplied, while making less of an effort. In this guide, he gives an approach suitable for everyone to learn. As a successful networker Daniel Kern makes more than 90 percent of his sales through recommendations from his network. The Elevator Pitch 2.0 has already opened hundreds of doors for him.


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