Second Thoughts are Best: Or a Further Improvement of a Late Scheme to Prevent Street Robberies

Daniel Defoe

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Beschreibung zu „Second Thoughts are Best: Or a Further Improvement of a Late Scheme to Prevent Street Robberies“

In 'Second Thoughts are Best: Or a Further Improvement of a Late Scheme to Prevent Street Robberies,' Daniel Defoe explores the issues of street robberies and offers innovative solutions to tackle this societal problem. Written in a persuasive and straightforward style, the book provides a detailed analysis of the root causes of such crimes while proposing practical measures for their prevention. Defoe's thorough examination of the subject matter reflects his literary prowess and commitment to shedding light on pressing social issues. Set in the 18th century, the book is a valuable piece for understanding the concerns of the time and the author's perspective on crime and justice. Through meticulous research and compelling arguments, Defoe presents a compelling case for addressing street robberies effectively. Daniel Defoe, a renowned English writer and journalist, was known for his insightful commentary on contemporary issues. His background as a political pamphleteer and novelist provided him with the knowledge and experience to tackle complex societal problems in his works. Defoe's astute observations and deep understanding of human nature shine through in 'Second Thoughts are Best,' revealing his keen intellect and social consciousness. I highly recommend 'Second Thoughts are Best' to readers interested in historical analyses of crime and social justice. Defoe's practical solutions and thought-provoking insights make this book a compelling read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by society in combating street robberies.

Über Daniel Defoe

Daniel Defoe war ein englischer Schriftsteller in der Frühzeit der Aufklärung, der durch seinen Roman Robinson Crusoe weltberühmt wurde.

Defoe gilt damit als einer der Begründer des englischen Romans.



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